7101 w Gunnison St Suite 126
Chicago, IL 60706 US
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2nd flr drywall dinning room 2 scaled

As the General Contractor, we are fulling equipped to start fully reconstruction any size Project our multiple sub-contractors, from Team Framing HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing Drywall-Insulation and Painting.


Interior Restoration is the effort of restoring and or integrating items in a like new appearance.  Planning and organize design of commercial and domestic interiors removing existing items of any compromising structural integrity issues. Projects may take place in a range of settings, including:

  • office spaces and industrial premises;
  • retail locations, such as shops, cafés, forecourts;
  • leisure spaces, such as hotels, cinema foyers, holiday complexes;
  • residential developments;
  • domestic properties;
  • public buildings, e.g. museums and civic buildings.

How Does A HVAC System Work?

 The three main functions of an HVAC system are interrelated, especially when providing acceptable indoor air quality and thermal comfort. Your heating and air conditioning system is often one of the most complicated and extensive systems in your home, but when it stops working, you’ll know soon enough! There are nine parts to your HVAC system that you should be familiar with the air return, filter, exhaust outlets, ducts, electrical elements, outdoor unit, compressor, coils, and blower.

  • Air Return: Your air return is the part of your system that marks the starting point of the ventilation cycle. This return sucks in air, draws it through a filter, and then passes it into the main system. Pro tip: Make sure to dust your returns frequently as debris and dust can easily build up on your filters.
  • Filter: Your filter is the second part of the air return in which the air is drawn through. Pro tip: Make sure to change your filters regularly to keep your system in tip-top shape.
  • Exhaust Outlets: Another part of your system is the exhaust outlets where the exhaust created by the heating system is expelled. Pro tip: Check your chimney flue or vent stack annually and tune it up if necessary.
  • Ducts: Your ducts are the channels in which the heated or cooled air passes through. Pro tip: Get your ducts cleaned every 2 to 5 years to keep everything in working condition.
  • Electrical Elements: This part of your system can be a bit trickier, but often problems originate here first. Pro tip: If something isn’t working right check for a tripped breaker or dead batteries in your thermostat.
  • Outdoor Unit: This is likely the part of your system you think of when someone mentions an HVAC system. The outdoor unit houses the fan which provides air flow. Pro tip: Keep your unit clear of debris and vegetation as it can cause serious problems if plants are sucked into your fan.
  • Compressor: As a part of the outdoor unit, the compressor is responsible for converting refrigerant from a gas to liquid and sends it to the coils. Pro tip: If something isn’t working quite right, check your compressor. It is often the cause of many system failures.
  • Coils: Usually another part of the outdoor unit, coils cool the air as it passes through with a little help from the refrigerant. Pro tip: Check your coils annually. If they freeze up, you may want to check your filter and/or refrigerant levels.
  • Blower: The blower draws in warm air through the main section of the unit. Pro tip: The more efficiently this air moves through, the more durable your system will be.
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Am-Cat Restoration Rough HVAC Certification

Rough HVAC Technicians may hone their skills in a wide range of roughing in Ducking, all rough HVAC technicians are Am-Cat certified.

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Q.   What heats and cools  your house?

how a HVAC system works

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Q.  Is heating and cooling system the same?

how a HVAC system works2

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Q.  How long does an HVAC system last?

HVAC system

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Q.  What is HVAC ventilation ?

ducking HVAC system

5 / 6

Q.  What is used to keep the air clean in HVAC systems?


6 / 6

Q.  How does HVAC ventilation work?

HVAC ventilation working

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Plumbing Rough-In

That’s all water supply and drainpipes have been run through bored holes in the studs and other framing members and that all pipe connections have been made. Plumbing rough-in is the portion of construction where the supply and waste lines for the building go into place. In homes with slab foundations, the rough-in occurs before contractors pour in the slab. Typically, waste lines go in first because the pipes that take wastewater from the building are larger than supply lines. After installing the waste lines, no sinks, faucets, or other fixtures and end elements have yet been installed at this phase II Next, the water supply lines are installed the plumbers will then lay in the water supply piping. Roughing in requires careful planning of the locations of the bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry room. The plumbers must lay the water supply lines for these places and cap off their ends.  Before the rest of the construction can take place, the system needs pressure testing to spot any leaks. After testing, an inspector will verify the integrity of the roughed in plumbing before allowing the construction to continue.

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Am-Cat Restoration Rough Plumbing Certification

Rough Plumbing trades mens may hone their skills in a wide range of plumbing techniques, all Plumbers are Am-Cat certified.

1 / 10

Q.  What is a rough-in size for toilet?

plumbing system throughout

2 / 10

Q.  What is a plumbing rough-in inspection?


3 / 10

Q.  What is code for a shower drain

plumbing system throughout2

4 / 10

Q.  Does rough-in plumbing include valves?

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5 / 10

Q.  What does top out mean in plumbing?

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6 / 10

Q.  What code book do licenses plumbers use?

National Standard Plumbing Code

7 / 10

Q.  How close does rough-in plumbing need to be?

framing types with manchanic

8 / 10

Q.  What comes after rough plumbing?

roung in plumbing3

9 / 10

Q.  What are the three stages of plumbing?

roung in plumbing

10 / 10

Q.  Where do you start rough-in plumbing?

roung in plumbing4

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conduit for electrical 1

Am-Cat Restoration Rough In-Electrical Certification

Rough Electrical trades may hone their skills in a wide range of electrical techniques, all electricians s are Am-Cat certified.

1 / 10

Q.  Can I sign off on electrical work without being registered?

permit eletrical

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Q.  How do I prepare for an electrical rough inspection?

electrical inspection3

3 / 10

Q.  What is electrical rough-in inspection?

electrical inspection2

4 / 10

Q.  Can you run two wires in conduit?

conduit for electrical

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Q.  Can you run solid wire in conduit?

conduit and connections

6 / 10

Q.  What type of wire can I run in conduit?

conduit for electrical1

7 / 10

Q.  How do you rough in electrical wires?

rough in electrical1

8 / 10

Q.  What is included in electrical rough in?

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9 / 10

Q.  Can you strip Romex and run-in conduit?

conduit for electrical3

10 / 10

Q.  Do electrical wires need to be in conduit?

Telestyles structure wiring and conduit

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For safety, exposed electrical wiring (in the garage, basement and outdoors) must be protected by sturdy tubing. We chose 1/2-in. EMT metal conduit standard code issued it’s easy to bend and assemble Next, sketching the electric conduit route from your power source to the new electrical box locations and note the length of the run and all the boxes, connectors and wire you need. Our materials included 1/2-in. EMT, electric conduit straps, will complete an electrical rough.

Am-Cat believes the future is paved for structured wiring, structural wiring makes your home and or building smarter, from appliances to lights to blinds to thermostats, smart home devices are finding their way into every nook and cranny in the modern household. In many ways, these devices are making our homes more efficient and user-friendly than ever before. But they’re also clogging up bandwidth on home internet networks and slowing everything down.  Today’s home typically has a full house of connected devices fighting for priority in the routing world; for network attention, including smart TVs, gaming consoles, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and smartwatches. Factor in the rapidly growing consumer adoption of smart home devices, which each suck up even more bandwidth, and the problem is only going to get worse.   One of the biggest benefits of distributing structured wiring throughout the home is the burden it takes off the wireless network. Am-cats understands the importance in telecommunications, structured cabling in your building will do nothing but benefit the building and assisting in the future components that will be utilizing on said property it’s critically important to plan for the future needs of tomorrow’s smart homes.

One of the biggest benefits of distributing structured wiring throughout the home is the burden it takes off the wireless network. Part of that is because more devices can be connected directly but can also strengthen Wi-Fi connections as well. With more speedy and higher bandwidth cabling available, homeowners can take advantage of whole home mesh Wi-Fi systems.  A mesh Wi-Fi system includes wireless satellite nodes that can be plugged directly into a structured wiring Ethernet port in the wall. Once plugged into the wired network, these nodes extend the range of the Wi-Fi router’s full wireless signal, and help the network manage the onslaught of signals it receives.  It’s ironic: The future of connected smart homes lies in something as old school as structured wiring. Those who fail to take these trends into account could soon be scrambling to pivot and catch-up to companies that establish themselves as leaders in smart home future proofing, another reason why Am-Cat is ahead of are competition.

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Am-Cat Restoration Structural Wiring Certification

Our Partnership with Telestyles networks provides their skills in a wide range of non voltages techniques, Telestyles certified.

1 / 22

Q.  What can I run with my smart home structural system.

telestyles systems

2 / 22

Q.  What is the difference between Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6?

wifi g5

3 / 22

Q.  What are the three types of cables?

telestyles coaxial cable03

4 / 22

Q.  Which wires are used in RJ45?

structure wiring

5 / 22

Q.  What are the two wiring standards for RJ45 wiring?

structure wiring1

6 / 22

Q.  Do you need Cat6 for WIFI 6?

telestyles cat6

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Q.  What is a telecom room?

telco room2

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Q.  What are the types of cables, cables are classified into types depending upon their purpose ?

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Q.  Is RJ45 the same as CAT5?

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10 / 22

Q.  Do I need Cat5 or Cat6?

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Q.  What is a structured wiring package?

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12 / 22

Q.  What are the six components of structured cabling?

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Q.  What is the purpose of structured cabling?

Telestyles structure wiring and conduit

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Q.  What is structural cabling system?

structure wiring3

15 / 22

Q.  How many wires does USB-C have?

USB wiring2

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Q.  What are the 4 wires in a USB cable?

USB wiring1

17 / 22

Q.  Can I extend a USB cable with Cat5?

telestyles coaxial cable2

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Q.  How long can a USB cable be and still work?

USB wiring

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Q.  What is the difference between smart homes and smart buildings?

structure smart homes2

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Q. What is the difference between smart homes and smart buildings?

telco room

21 / 22

Q.  Is Wired faster than Wi-Fi 6?

wifi structure wiring

22 / 22

Q. How do I integrate smart home devices?

smart homes

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The average score is 63%

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Calling In All Rough Inspections

General contractors are responsible for scheduling inspections as permitted work progresses so that the Department of Buildings may inspect and verify the work being done is consistent with the permit drawings and the building code.  All building permit-related inspections must be requested using the online forms, found below. Only requests submitted on-line will be accepted.  Please do not attempt to schedule a permit-related inspection by phone.

The Department of Buildings responds to all requests for permit-related inspections on a first-come, first-served basis. You may request a specific date, and the Department will attempt to honor that request if an inspector is available. When requesting a specific date, please allow a minimum of 4 business days to 2-4 weeks.


We seek to get involved early in the design phase so that we can manage the project more efficiently, provide effective building solutions, and identify challenges early on to mitigate design changes before construction commencement, this involves detailed pre-construction planning crucial to successful construction and on-time delivery, and allows the client and team a clear pathway to the bidding process, construction phase, and through to completion.

Starting Phase II will be coordinating with mechanical sub-contractors in installing and repairing or replacing the electrical plumbing or HVAC ventilation in relation with the agreed scope of work.  Am-Cat’s partnership with Telestyles.com provides structural wiring throughout the building in upgrading the building for future readiness of the wide range of smart home technologies.

  • Mechanicals rough of HVAC (6-14 days)
  • Mechanicals rough of plumbing (6-14 days)
  • Mechanicals rough of electrical (6-14 days)
  • Mechanicals rough of TeleStyles (2-4 days)
  • City inspections (1-2-3 months)

After the framing is completed and if new construction is required through the permits pulled, city inspections will be needed.  Once approved mechanicals rough can commence.  Rough-in is the stage of a construction project when the various mechanicals, electrical, plumbing and ventilation system trunk lines, main water source to independent circuit lines are brought through the building and or home. Once the framing is up, the rough-in stage of construction begins. This is when all mechanical lines are laid out, but final connections are not made until other stages of the project are completed. During phase II of construction, ductwork, plumbing, and conduit are installed and secured to ensure space constraints or until accessibility issues are sorted out. Hopefully if your project manager is on schedule and windows and doors will be on schedule for delivery when the stating of all your mechanicals.