7101 w Gunnison St Suite 126
Chicago, IL 60706 US
Mon - Sat 9:00AM - 5:00PM
42 in Chicago
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Understanding that the industry is one big puzzle, the solution is putting all the pieces together., Losses to homes and buildings have a small or at times big educational learning curve when explaining the step-by-step timeline, in when and how to use or engage certain services immediately.

Chasing and or requiring Fire Restoration jobs, 4 Critical Skill sets are needed. The Ability to Chase the fire down, or even getting Called-In with the Ability to understand and game play with city employees and 1st responders to insurance agents when pitching the clients. Having the Ability to services the clients when chosen (all documents insurance and licensees must be in order) The Ability to caring out all services all labor and material in proving the emergency services.


Personal Texture Contents vendors

2-man crew $5,000 which will take as a DRAW of the agreed associated commission, are team will look to average 30k-50K per month of personal content mitigation losses = (25% $7,500.00-12,500.00 and 30% $9,000.00-$15,000) per month.

Electronics Component vendors

2-man crew $3,500 which will take as a DRAW of the agreed associated commission, are team will look to average 30k-50K per month of personal content mitigation losses = (12%-15% $3,600.00-6,000.00 and 30% $4,500.00-$7,500) per month.

Personal Belongings Full Furniture pack out

2-man crew $5,000 which will take as a DRAW of the agreed associated commission, are team will look to average 30k-50K per month of personal content mitigation losses = (12%-15% $3,600.00-6,000.00 and 30% $4,500.00-$7,500) per month.


Personal Texture Contents vendors

 4-man crew $10,000.00 which will take as a DRAW of the agreed associated commission, are team will look to average 65k-140K per month of personal content mitigation losses. = (25% $16,250.00-35,000.00 and 30% $19,500.00-$42,000) per month.

Electronics Component vendors

 4-man crew $10,000.00 which will take as a DRAW of the agreed associated commission, are team will look to average 65k-140K per month of personal content mitigation losses. = (12% $7,800.00-16,800.00 and 15% $9,750.00-$21,000.00) per month.

Personal Belongings Full Furniture pack out

4-man crew $10,000.00 which will take as a DRAW of the agreed associated commission, are team will look to average 65k-140K per month of personal content mitigation losses. = (12% $7,800.00-16,800.00 and 15% $9,750.00-$21,000.00) per month.


The Mission:

Understanding the Value of large loss specialist and to work smart in providing significant results when giving clients options, 2 companies to choose from allowing the odds in our favor when competing for jobs with our competitors.

The Ability to having 2 companies of 57 yrs of experience competing for construction jobs provides more of a leverage in acquiring fire restoration jobs allowing each company to play off each other when competing for jobs and allowing each other to reference each other in running the vendor referral play when bring in the Contractor / Construction.  Every Fire is different and understanding that allows having Two professionals in the Hunt is better than just having One.

22 yrs of experience of fire chasing, emergency services, competing for construction & public adjusting services in provide more of a leverage in acquiring fire restoration jobs, works under American Catastrophe Emergency Services www.Am-catems.com and Am-Cat Restoration under www.Am-cat.com and started a Public Adjuster firm in 2003 Diversify Management, www.diversifymanagement.com that proved the architecture business structure for all the services provided. 

25 yrs of experience of fire chasing and emergency services, competing for construction jobs provides more of a leverage in acquiring fire restoration jobs

A-Liberty Board up www.alibertyboardup.com

5 yrs of experience of fire chasing, emergency services, competing for construction & mitigation services in providing more of a leverage in acquiring fire restoration jobs, works under American Catastrophe Emergency Services www.Am-catems.com and Am-Cat Restoration under www.Am-cat.com

5 yrs of experience of fire chasing, emergency services, competing for construction & mitigation services in providing more of a leverage in acquiring fire restoration jobs, works under American Catastrophe Emergency Services www.Am-catems.com and Am-Cat Restoration under www.Am-cat.com

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general contractors4

Techniques In How Am-Cat Handles Your Claim

Am-Cat's Restoration Project Leads are Am-Cat Certifed To Handle All Aspects Of The Phases Of Construction.

1 / 20

Q.  How do I fix small fire damage in an attic in a Home?

fire damge15

2 / 20

Q.  How long does it take to rebuild a house?

general contractors3

3 / 20

Q.  Is it cheaper to rebuild or renovate?

the cost of house construction

4 / 20

Q.  What are the stages of a house being built?


5 / 20

Q.  How long does each stage of building a house take?

how long to buils a home 1

6 / 20

Q.  How much does it cost to completely rebuild a house?

O and P in insurand claim 1

7 / 20

Q.  Can you reuse a foundation after a fire?

Garage concrete installation

8 / 20

Q.  What does insurance cover if your house burns down?

claim process 1

9 / 20

Q.  What steps to take to fix a fire damaged house?

attic fire

10 / 20

Q.  What does a general contractor project manager do?

xactimate writing services 15

11 / 20

Q.  What are items of overhead?

overfhead and profit

12 / 20

Q.  What are the essential qualifications of a contractor?

general contractors2

13 / 20

Q.  What is the difference between a contractor and a consultant?

claim denied3

14 / 20

Q.  How Much Do Project Manager Jobs Pay per Hour?

Signing work authorization2

15 / 20

Q.  What is included in contractor overhead?

over head

16 / 20

Q.  What is the difference between a general contractor and a project manager?

general contractors

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Q.  How much does a project manager charge for a construction project?

overhead and profit

18 / 20

Q.  How much are Construction Management Fees?

General constructon project management

19 / 20

Q.  Can a general contractor be a project manager?

construction worker

20 / 20

Q.  What is a general contractor for construction?

Signing work authorization4

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The average score is 55%

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Single Family Homes and Buildings with Personal Contents that need Cleaning

Dealing with content pack outs and content cleaning removal has its bast results when the policy is usually reviewed and understood if there is personal property coverage or limited coverage.  Are team is trained in providing all emergency services following a major loss dealing with fire smoke and heavy water, when are mitigation content specialist arrive all is in strive with are mitigation-time-line that was created in showing are 7-day mitigation process.

Looking for a quality TEAM that can Sign Insurance Loss related claims?

Commissions on losses:

Is the motivation in why everyone in the industry chases fires?   When chasing mitigation personal content claims we can actually work with renters’ insurance, smoke damages is a real sleeper chasing mitigation smoke cleaning restoration, Am-CatEms is trained through the Am-catems certification program allowing are team to be proficient in are 7-day mitigation timeline that we developed.

The ability to signing insurance loss related clients is a skill set. Working with a team that is completely involved with an industry that you literally have to get brought / invited into with the capable skill set to handle client relations is challenging in finding qualified individuals. Our Am-CatEms trained associate’s team members are able to acquire losses that stem from $10k-65k mitigation vendor pack out costs. With associated commission coat for Personal Texture contents vendors, of 25-30%, and our Electronics Component vendors 12%-15% and Personal Belongings Full Furniture pack out will consist of 15%-20%.

The insurance industry reports that 70% of your structural dwelling is allocated for your personal contents on your policy that covers active perils. Each coverable peril of damage will protect your personal contents after your home has experienced a disaster caused by fire, water, heavy winds / storms, vandalism/ theft, or biohazards which cause the need of emergency services and mitigation procedures to prepare for restoring your home and your personal possessions to their pre-loss condition. While it is easy to see the damage caused to the structure of your home, the damage to many of your personal possessions is not always that obvious. That is why you need a mitigation company like American Catastrophe Emergency Services, our emergency response teams will perform the required

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When Meeting your Insurance Adjuster.

Am-Cat Restoration Breaks down common Interaction with your Insurance Adjuster on the 1st visit at your Home or Property.

1 / 10

Q.  What is not covered by building insurance?

claims water damge

2 / 10

Q.  How many insurance claims is too many?

claim process

3 / 10

Q.  How do home insurance companies pay out claims?

claims 1

4 / 10

Q.  How do I file a building insurance claim?

claim process

5 / 10

Q.  How do Insurance companies determine settlement amounts?

talking to adjuster

6 / 10

Q.  What is a claims insurance adjuster?

4452 w Iowa on the secene 89

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Q.  What questions do insurance investigators ask?

20150721 104648

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Q.  Why would an insurance company investigate a claim?


9 / 10

Q.  What does claims adjuster mean in the insurance industry?

claims on roof

10 / 10

Q.  What does an insurance Adjuster look for?

adjuster meeting

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The average score is 0%

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We all know there is different types of losses, and each loss has obstacles, our sister company Am-CatEms is able to PITCH up to 15-30 losses a week 7 out of 10 times it ends well, and that’s what’s keeps the chase alive.  Am-CatEms likes to hang its Hat / Shield on a 70% success rate, just because we take the industry serious by establishing a professional action plan establishing a system within the industry.