7101 w Gunnison St Suite 126
Chicago, IL 60706 US
Mon - Sat 9:00AM - 5:00PM
35 in Chicago
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We specialize in Insurance related Fire, Smoke, Water, Server Storm & Wind Damage Claims – The nature of a fire creates special problems worthy of comprehensive treatment. Fire losses must be handled with special care since many types of materials can fuel a fire, causing soot fallout and smoke damage. Since large amounts of Water are required to extinguish the blaze, which introduces concerns of corrosion, mold, and mildew growth. Am-cat has the trained personnel and equipment to handle all aspects of a Fire and Water losses, Large or Small.  Schedule with one of are project managers at the same time your Insurance Adjuster is schedule to be on location so we can be all on the same page, or even better allows us to get started working for you as soon as possible to have are assessment created and establish the direction of the damages cause by a plausible peril, Just fill out the Service My Claim form for an associate to call and follow up with you on a schedule visit.


When the smoke clears there’s a technical review that’s going to be taking place by your insurance company, that’s the role of the Insurance adjuster, to rereview the damages and provide you the insured with an estimate of repairs, it’s a detailed estimated, with the itemization in repairing and or replacing to cleaning each and every item effected by the causable loss.  This is where you need a technical specialist with technical evaluation skills that can translate damages seen into a transparent technical estimate that can be submitted to your insurance company. The causable peril that activated a claim to your insurance company will start an investigation of the cause of the damage and what activated the insurable peril, along with detail estimated scope of structural & personal contents damages, this is how we advocate for are clients in the negotiating your loss with your insurance company as shown below.


Every project needs sign repair specs (scope of work detailing exctly what work is going to be completed for the said agreed contract) We just provide a Technical work-sheet, which is a document written by a technical writer or your Insurance Adjuster, detailing an estimate resulting of damages cause by Fire, Wind, Water, Smoke and Mold and submitted to the insurance carrier for evaluation and or negotiation, or your Insurance Carrier will create and submit one to you in justifying your damages.  A Technical writing work sheet is a written technical communication, a style of writing inverted into computer commands used in fields entered in manually into a software program called Xactimate. Technical specifications are prepared to provide consistency and to instruct construction contractors on how the work is to be carried out in detail with cost. Am-cat works specifically with technical work sheets, because it gives specifics on all Labor and Material used by square footage of linear feet and detailing all items that either need to be Repaired, Replaced or Cleaned throughout the property all defined in detail on the work sheet.  Fill out the Service My Claim form and allow us to get started, So we can start working with your Insurance company to provide all city and or township documents in moving the claim forwarded and if you have Mortgage on said property, allowing us in providing all necessary documents to all parties in handling all administration tasks in the building process where we turn Catastrophe into a Blessing.

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Insurance adjuster itemizing

Understanding a Technical Work-Sheet.

Am-Cat Restoration Breaks down how a technical writing work-sheet outlines detailing cost of the damages presented.

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Q.  How much our Am-Cat’s Xactimate consultants’ Rates?

technical writer itemizing

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Q.  Do all insurance companies use Xactimate?

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Q.  What exactly is revenue?


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Q.  Is Xactimate hard to use?

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Q.  What is the difference between Xactimate and XactAnalysis?

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Q.  What is Xactimate?

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Q.  Who uses Xactimate?

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Q.  How does overhead affect profit?

labor and markups

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Q.  How does a contractor make money?

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Q.  What is the average markup on labor?

markup on labor

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Q.  Who is entitled to overhead and profit?

O and P in insurand claim

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Q.  What does O&P mean in insurance?

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Q.  What is Technical Writing?

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Q,  Is a detail line by line report important in construction?

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Q.  What is the difference between overhead and labor?

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Your score is

The average score is 73%

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When Meeting your Insurance Adjuster.

Am-Cat Restoration Breaks down common Interaction with your Insurance Adjuster on the 1st visit at your Home or Property.

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Q.  What is not covered by building insurance?

claims water damge

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Q.  How many insurance claims is too many?

claim process

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Q.  How do home insurance companies pay out claims?

claims 1

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Q.  How do I file a building insurance claim?

claim process

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Q.  How do Insurance companies determine settlement amounts?

talking to adjuster

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Q.  What is a claims insurance adjuster?

4452 w Iowa on the secene 89

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Q.  What questions do insurance investigators ask?

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Q.  Why would an insurance company investigate a claim?


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Q.  What does claims adjuster mean in the insurance industry?

claims on roof

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Q.  What does an insurance Adjuster look for?

adjuster meeting

Your score is

The average score is 0%

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Process My Claim


The 1st Action In assisting you with your Claim is to Review and understand your Policy, and the 2nd is to review if your policy is written either as a Replacement Cost and or an Actual Cash Value: Replacement cost policies provides you with the dollar amount needed to replace a damaged item with one of a similar kind and quality without deducting for depreciation (the decrease in value due to age, wear and tear, and other factors). Actual cash value policies pay the amount needed to replace the item minus depreciation. While Am-Cats is reviewing your police, we schedule a technical write up, a line-by-line estimate of the compromised items that are damaged due to the cause of the active peril as soon as you retain us to handle all structural repairs and process your loss.

Your Local Agent will be able to assist in providing you with the proper coverage and or extra coverage you may need. Please review all our preferred agents in your area.