7101 w Gunnison St Suite 126
Chicago, IL 60706 US
Mon - Sat 9:00AM - 5:00PM
43 in Chicago
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 When disaster strikes you get one chance to make sure repairs are done right. The emotional state following a house fire or flood is devastating, overwhelming and a feeling of helplessness. It is tough to be prepared for something that you never saw coming.

As the General Contractor, specializing in Fire Restoration we established an detail step-by-step Action Plan to follow in gaining your highest level of trust and integrity with our clients.

fire damage


Am-cat professionals are different than typical individual contractors. We have a team of experts from all trades who work together in unison to specifically tackle the reconstruction of homes specifically affected by fires and floods.

Because Fire and Floods is the area of our expertise, we know exactly what to look for. Most damage is not always evident at the time of claim. Because it is not immediately visible, huge problems are never addressed leaving home-owners to deal with escalating, future disasters on their own and at their own expense.


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The Damages Fire Can Do

Am-Cat Restoration Fire remediation break down of your common Fire related  issues throughout your Home or Property.

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Q.  What is fire damage?

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Q.  Why do house fires happen at night?

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Q.  What usually survives a house fire?

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Q.  Where do most house fires start?

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Q.  How can we prevent fire accidents?

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Q.  How do electrical outlets catch on fire?

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Q.  How do you handle a Fire with your insurance companies?

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Q.  What kind of policy covers fire damage?

contact us

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Q.  What does insurance pay for after a fire?

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Q.  How do you prove smoke damage?

small loss Adjuster out with our PA Cliff 1

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Q.  What are the 3 main causes of fire?

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Q.  How does fire affect a structure?

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Q.  How can fire damage a building?

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Q.  How do you repair fire damage?


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Q.  What are types of fire damage?

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Follow us on this Move This Bus Special, with a full walk through of are finished product of this Multi-Unit Building that had a Fire in the Kitchen on the Second floor that compromised the whole building, where we turn Catastrophes into Blessings.

  • Identify and eliminate any and all hazardous conditions that may be present
  • Separate all damaged and undamaged business and/or personal effects
  • Elevate or transport all personal or business effects to a secure climate-controlled storage facility
  • Perform any and all necessary temporary or Emergency Services
  • Inspect damages and develop a course of action for the remediation process


There are different methods in which your insurance company can calculate the amount paid for a loss. ACV (actual cash value) & RC (Replacement cost) are two methods that need to be understood in order to process the claim with a favorable outcome. AMCAT is proficient in engaging your building policy in understanding the coverage related to the building. AMCAT will recommend preferred vendor’s base off the 1st initial walk-through.  Our professionals will be able to direct are preferred vendors in assisting the client base off the polices provisions in allocating its coverage.  Understands how the adjustment process works and how your policy is written can impact your situation in dealing with your structural loss settlement. In a catastrophic event, AMCAT’S team of professionals and certified expert vendor’s will work diligently to get you back in your Condo.


There are different methods in which your insurance company can calculate the amount paid for a loss. ACV (actual cash value) & RC (Replacement cost) are two methods that need to be understood in order to process the claim with a favorable outcome. AMCAT is proficient in engaging your building policy in understanding the coverage related to the building.   AMCAT will recommend a preferred vendor’s who understands how the adjustment process can impact the business interruption and total value of a loss. In a catastrophic event, a team of experts will work diligently to limit your (BI) business interruption and get you back to work, with the Loss of Business recovered.


There are different methods in which your insurance company can calculate the amount paid for a loss. ACV (actual cash value) & RC (Replacement cost) are two methods that need to be understood in order to process the claim with a favorable outcome. AMCAT is proficient in engaging your building policy in understanding the coverage related to the building. AMCAT will recommend preferred vendor’s base off the 1st initial walk-through.  Our professionals will be able to direct are preferred vendors in assisting the client base off the polices provisions in allocating its coverage.  Understands how the adjustment process works and how your policy is written can impact your situation in dealing with your structural loss settlement. In a catastrophic event, AMCAT’S team of professionals and certified expert vendor’s will work diligently to get you back in your Building.


There are different methods in which your insurance company can calculate the amount paid for a loss. ACV (actual cash value) & RC (Replacement cost) are two methods that need to be understood in order to process the claim with a favorable outcome. AMCAT is proficient in engaging your building policy in understanding the coverage related to the building. AMCAT will recommend preferred vendor’s base off the 1st initial walk-through.  Our professionals will be able to direct are preferred vendors in assisting the client base off the polices provisions in allocating its coverage.  Understands how the adjustment process works and how your policy is written can impact your situation in dealing with your structural loss settlement. In a catastrophic event, AMCAT’S team of professionals and certified expert vendor’s will work diligently to get you back in your home.


Process My Claim


The 1st Action In assisting you with your Claim is to Review and understand your Policy, and the 2nd is to review if your policy is written either as a Replacement Cost and or an Actual Cash Value: Replacement cost policies provides you with the dollar amount needed to replace a damaged item with one of a similar kind and quality without deducting for depreciation (the decrease in value due to age, wear and tear, and other factors). Actual cash value policies pay the amount needed to replace the item minus depreciation. While Am-Cats is reviewing your police, we schedule a technical write up, a line-by-line estimate of the compromised items that are damaged due to the cause of the active peril as soon as you retain us to handle all structural repairs and process your loss.

Your Local Agent will be able to assist in providing you with the proper coverage and or extra coverage you may need. Please review all our preferred agents in your area.