7101 w Gunnison St Suite 126
Chicago, IL 60706 US
Mon - Sat 9:00AM - 5:00PM
44 in Chicago
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Multi-Unit 422 n Avers

  • Posted by: amcat
  • Category: City of Chicago, Electrical compliance, Foundation Repair, General Construction, Multi-Unit Renovation, Roof Repair
422 n Avers

City of Chicago vs Unknown owners, Order of Demolition:

No. 12 m1 402264 12-11-12; Am-Cat Quick claim deed purchased 01-19-2016;

Renovation / alteration permits #100721873 app date 09-05-2017;

Architectural plans have not meet city approval do to city fees owed 07-24-17; Clerk of circuit court property located at 422 n has been sold for delinquent taxes redemption can be made on or any time before 01-29-2020; Stop Work order posted by Marc Peterson 01-18-2019 on job site issued 02-01-19 in system; Deposit for redemption-Scavenger sale $16,002.92 01-28-2020; Motion Order of Demolition to stay 02-18-20; Met with city inspector Kenneth Buehring 03-16-20 for a court order walk through, need to present permits within 60days at next court date.

Author: amcat